Important: The steps in this article have been updated to reflect app version 8.1.0 or higher. Please update your app today for the best Canary experience. | |
In certain cases you may require the email address to be changed on your Canary account. You can now change your email address in the Canary App yourself. To do this, please double check the following:
- Two-Step Verification must be enabled. (To find out how to do this, please visit What is Two-step Verification?)
- The new email address must not already be linked to an existing Canary Account. If you created a new account with the email address already, send that email address an invite to your current account and send an email to for next steps.
Once you have checked the above, you can follow these steps to change your email:
- Open the Canary app, and tap the gear icon in the top right corner.
- Tap on My account.
- Tap on Profile.
- Tap on your email address. You can then use the keyboard to enter your new email address. Tap on return when you are finished.
- Please enter the password for your Canary Account.
- Tap on Update Profile.
- Please enter the code sent to you through the Two-Step Verification process.
- An email will be sent to the original email address, asking you to verify the change. Please go to your original email, open the email titled Verify your email address, and tap on Verify Now.
- You will then be asked to sign in with your existing email address, and repeat the Two-Step Verification process.
A pop-up will then appear, advising that your email address has now been changed.
If you encounter any issues, please invite your new email address to the account, and contact support.
You will need to invite the email address as a location member first:
- Open the Canary app and tap the gear icon in the top right corner.
- Scroll down to Take Action, and tap Add location members.
- Enter your name and the email address you'd like to use.
- Select Send Invitation.
- An invitation will be sent to the email address you entered.
- Check your email and click the Accept Invite button inside to add your new email to the account.
Once you accept the invitation, you will need to change ownership of the device to the new account. The easiest way to have ownership transferred is to have the current owner submit a request to our support team from the email address associated with their Canary account.
- To request the ownership change visit our submit a request page.
- Please include the account members name and email for which you wish to transfer ownership.
Once ownership has been transferred you can then remove the member associated with your old email.
To remove a member:
- Tap the gear icon in the top right corner.
- Tap My location.
- Tap Edit users.
- Select the member you wish to remove
- Tap "Remove user".
- Confirm "Delete" on warning.