Canary Flex will display its current battery level on the home screen of the Canary app.
Alternatively, if you wish to visually monitor the charging progress of your Canary Flex on the device itself, you can charge your Flex while it is powered off. While charging and powered off, the circular LED on the front of the device will indicate the charge percentage.
To use this feature:
- Plug in your device
- After about 30 seconds (time for the Canary Flex to start up) keep the device plugged in and hold down the button on the back of the device for 5 seconds until you hear the shutdown sound.
- The LED on the front of your Canary Flex will turn on automatically indicating that charging is in progress.
- Your battery is fully charged when the circular LED on the front of Canary Flex is a solid green circle.
Note: You can also check the battery level on your Canary Flex while it is powered on by rapidly tapping the button on the back of your Canary Flex 3 times in a row. The Flex will briefly flash a blue LED, then display the current battery level with a green indicator. A full green LED indicates your Flex has 100% battery. After displaying the battery level for 2 seconds, the LED will begin to flash blue for approximately 1 minute, as pressing the button automatically triggers Bluetooth pairing mode - this is normal behavior. It will exit pairing mode on its own.