"Premium Service" Cancellation phone number
What is the phone number to cancel premium service? It is not lost on me that this number MUST be called and is purposely difficult to locate on the website without a variety of intermediate steps.
Can someone please just give me the number ?!?!?!
Thank you.
Official comment
Hi Sara,
The phone number must NOT be called to cancel. I am not sure what made you think that.
Here is a link to the cancellation Help Center article on our website.
You can self cancel in the app or webapp. You can also email us 24/7 at support@canary.is, you can open a chat with us during normal business hours 7 days a week.
We also send you a reminder email for Premium or Professional Monitoring that you can reply to directly.
We do not offer the phone numbers as they come up in the app at times based on your choice and geographical location. Thanks for your understanding on that.Comment actions
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